All Anser thermal ink jet printers use a cartridge that eliminates any additional printhead servicing. Maintenance free with a drastic cost reduction. The printers are ideal for marking eggs, laminated paper, cardboard, metal, aluminum, plastic, flexible plastic, wood, glass… 30 times smaller than a conventional ink jet printer, resolution up to 600 dpi!

anser smart printhead

NEW: Anser Smart Printhead

The Smart Printhead features the world’s smallest print controller with interchangeable printhead technology to provide integration flexibility and unlimited choice of ink portfolio…

NEW: Anser A1

The A1 is the first all-in-one printer to provide flawless 2-inch high printing. Reduce label usage and waste with direct to box printing to achieve environmental sustainability…

Anser X1 termal ink jet za brosuru

Anser X1

X1 offers the most cost-effective solution with a large selection of inks for porous and semi-porous materials. The cartridge eliminates any additional printhead servicing; maintenance free with drastically reduced costs, suitable for double lines…

Anser U2 Mobile

Anser U2, a handheld ink jet printer for marking porous and semi-porous substrates, with a 2.8-inch color LCD screen with backlight. The printer comes in a case with everything…

Anser U2 ProS

Introducing the new U2 ProS, designed to print on a variety of surfaces such as coated paper, metal, aluminum, hard plastic, flexible plastic… Wide selection…

Anser U2 SMART

U2 Smart offers the most cost-effective solution with a large selection of inks for porous and semi-porous materials.The cartridge eliminates any additional printhead servicing; maintenance-free with drastically reduced costs…

Anser U2 SmartONE

Predstavljamo U2 SmartONE, prvi 1-inčni termalni ink jet štampač! Ketridži posebno dizajnirani za industriju, sa besprekornim kvalitetom štampe za bolju čitljivost. Kompaktna veličina štampača za…

Industrija hrane i pića, farmacija i druge uvek predstavljaju izazov zbog raznovrsnosti podloga i proizvodnih linija. Bilo da se radi o brzoj proizvodnoj liniji, beskontaktnom kodiranju boca, integraciji proizvodnog sistema ili odabiru mastila za različite materijale supstrata, za sve imamo poseban termalni ink jet: ANSER.

Imajući na umu kvalitet i pouzdanost, ANSER oprema je dizajnirana da izazove proizvodne lokacije koje su u prašnjavom okruženju ili zahtevaju pranje proizvodne linije. Izbor materijala industrijskog kvaliteta i mehanički dizajn nude najbolju pouzdanost i stabilnost u klasi da izdrže najoštrije aplikacije kodiranja.

ANSER rešenje za kodiranje obezbeđuje laku sistemsku integraciju sa opremom periferne proizvodne linije i nudi visoku čitljivost GS1 bar koda kako to zahtevaju čak i najzahtevniji farmaceutski klijenti. Odličan izbor različitih tehnologija glava za štampanje pruža širok spektar mastila, ispunjavajući većinu aplikacija podloge za farmaceutsko, industrijsko i prehrambeno pakovanje.